torsdag den 31. januar 2013

Who doesn´t like Cape Town..?

Who doesn´t like Cape Town..?

For me, it has it all.. nature, education, culture and lovely people...
If you haven´t been here before, but want to go..
 Keep following, more is coming up within the next 3 months...
See you in CT ;)

These pictures are from Cape Town´s beautiful Table Mountain and Rhodes Memorial!

Table Mountain´s tablecloth

This man ran all the way to the top in 27 degrees.. impressive;)

tirsdag den 22. januar 2013

The Wonders of Denmark!

 The Wonders of Denmark 2013........

If you haven´t been to Denmark yet, you might wanna see these pictures. We, Danes, don´t really appreciate what we got. We might not have the biggest monuments or most fascinating history, but we have our nature and our democracy, which no other country can compete with. 

This is one of my favourite pictures. A beautiful morning in Hobro, my home town..NB no editing, which makes it even better ;)

Enjoy ;)

1. Bramslev Bakker, Nothern Jutland

2. Hobro, Northern Jutland


3. Aalborg, Denmark´s 4th biggest city.

onsdag den 16. januar 2013

Appreciate Danish Music..!

If you haven´t appreciated Danish music yet, it is about time. These artists are some of the most popular at the moment, also internationally..
They all sing both in Danish and English, but these are some of their best songs.

Just lean back and ENJOY..

1. Lukas Graham

 2. Tina Dickhow

 3. Medina

4. Loc

onsdag den 9. januar 2013

Winter in Denmark.....

Winter in Denmark is Unique...

Just read about how this man describes Denmark during Winter..

Come along Tourists ;)